Page: Triage MeterPro by Quidel

In the lab or in the office, Triage MeterPro delivers sophisticated testing technology in a compact, easy-to-use package. It offers the largest immunoassay menu available in a POC platform—so you can make quick, cost-effective treatment decisions.



Results in 15-20 minutes.

Easy to Use

Designed with user-friendly ergonomics.

CLIA Waived

CLIA-waived for BNP testing.


Can perform multiple cardiac tests and toxicology screenings.

How to Use

Step 1

Prepare the test sample

Step 2

Type in the User ID

Step 3

Select “Run Test” on the main menu

Step 4

Select the correct test

Step 4

Insert test device into the meter

Step 6

Read and print results

Test Kits

Item No. ALR97000HS

Cardiac Panel
Myoglobin, CK-MB and Troponin I


Item No. ALR97022HS

Cardiac Panel
CK-MB and Troponin I

Item No. ALR97021HS

Cardiac Panel
Troponin I

Item No. ALR98000XR

BNP Test

Item No. ALR98100

D-Dimer Test*

Item No. QDL94600

Toxicology Drug Screen

*Starter kit includes 25 tests, 10 0.25 mL vials and five 2 x 5 levels