Page: Knee Walker

Walking aid for below-the-knee injuries.

Designed by Dr. Lowell Weil Jr., podiatric consultant to the Chicago White Sox baseball club

For patients recovering from a fracture, an operation requiring weight to be taken off the foot, or a diabetic foot wound that requires “off loading” to heal, the Weil Knee Walker can help ease the pain and frustration during recovery.

Added benefits

  • Eliminate the strain crutches can put on underarms
  • Reduce risk of falling and further aggravating the injury

Why would someone use a knee walker versus crutches or a wheelchair?

“While crutches and wheelchairs have benefited my patients, they do have shortcomings. Crutches can be awkward and unsteady and wheelchairs are not only heavy, but bulky. This causes frustration and prevents optimal outcomes.”
-Dr. Lowell Weil Jr.

Knee Walker Accessories